Rebuilding The Mental Health System in Syria, July 9th, 2017

Hosted by the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), The Syrian Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM)

In the light of the tremendous burden of psychological trauma shouldered by Syrians, The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) Mental Health Committee will host a mental health day in collaboration with The Syrian Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM). This sessions aims to gather mental health professionals of all specialties, practitioners, academicians, and scholars to build a unified “global think tank” exploring collaborative efforts to bridge the gap between mental health service providers, allowing for the exchange of ideas and lessons from the field, in order to collaboratively rebuild Syria’s mental health infrastructure.   

This session intends to render a leading interdisciplinary platform to brainstorm and explore the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges encountered, and offer practical, yet creative, solutions to be adopted by the newly developed mental health system for Syrians inside as well as outside Syria in the near future.  Please note that the first half of this session will be part of SAMS International Conference in Istanbul, and the second half will be a parallel session.

  Moderators: Dr. Iyad Alkhouri Speakers
Session 7 Title : Mental Health
1:30 PM 1:50 PM The effect of war on children: Challenges and needs Dr. Yassar Kanawati
1:50 PM 2:10 PM Role of psychopharmacology in the treatment of major psychiatric disorders Dr. Yousef Abouallaban
2:10 PM 2:30 PM Tele-psychiatry: An innovative approach to the development of mental health service Dr. Saleem Al Nuaimi
2:30 PM 2:50 PM Psychological defeat: An overall review Dr. Ahmad Al Mrayati
2:50 PM 3:10 PM Recognition and management of common psychiatric disorders in medical setting Dr. Nabila Farooq
3:10 PM 3:30 PM Shedding light on communication disorders in Syrian refugee children: A cross-sectional study Alia Salam


To register for the parallel session, please sign up below.  Please contact Jeehan Shehrine Binte Faiz at for any questions regarding the conference.


To register for our 17th International Conference in Istanbul, on July 7 – 9, 2017 please visit us here.