Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health MPH Scholarship

Institution Contact:
Level of Study: Graduate
Fields of Study: School of Public Health.
Scholarship Award Amount: Full tuition for the 11-month program of study
Approximate Funding Gap to be filled by student: Housing, travel, and living assistance
Award Duration: 11 months for Master of Public Health (MPH) graduate program
Number of Awards Available: Two
Application Deadline: January 31, 2017

Application Requirements:

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has launched a scholarship program to support up to two individuals who have been displaced as a result of the conflict in Syria. Applicants must have been displaced by the conflict in Syria, and currently residing in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan or Turkey, or residing under Temporary Protected Status in the US. Students will begin their studies in July 2017.

JHSPH requires a minimum TOEFL score of 100 or IELTS score of 7.0.

Applications and all required materials are due by January 31, 2017. Application fees will be waived upon request by e-mailing:

Applicants must notify the Scholarship Program of their desire to be considered for the scholarship by e-mailing:

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